
Python Distribution#

It is recommended to start with installing a full-featured Python-Distribution like Anaconda (available for Windows, macOS and Linux). This will install a bunch of useful additional tools beside the basic Python installer: JupyterLab, Notebook, Spyder, conda Environment Manager, Anaconda Navigator and all the scientific Python Packages (NumPy, SciPy, MatPlotLib, Pandas, …).

Download Anaconda

Download Anaconda#

Download and install Anaconda (Version 3.x) for your operation system. (Help on Installation).

Download and Install TrussPy#

TrussPy is available as a package on PyPi (the Python Package Index). The source code of the development version is published on GitHub. For installing TrussPy with pip open a terminal window:

  1. Windows: From the Start menu, search for and open “Anaconda Prompt”.

  2. macOS: Open Launchpad, then click the terminal icon.

  3. Linux: Open a terminal window.

Install TrussPy

Install TrussPy#

Inside the terminal window type

pip install trusspy

to download and install TrussPy.

Run a Notebook#

Start Anaconda Navigator, Launch Notebook from the Home Tab and wait for the Browser Window to open.

Anaconda Navigator

Anaconda Navigator#

Navigate to a path where you would like to store the TrussPy notebooks. Create a new Notebook by clicking the New button located top right. Select Python 3 from the dropdown list. The new Notebook will open in a new browser window. Each cell is executed with SHIFT-ENTER or the Run Button.

Jupyter Notebook

Jupyter Notebook#

Continue with one of the Examples.